This mode is specially for troubleshooting purpose only. If your phone is hanging, running slow or you are facing any kind of trouble like battery drainage issue also try your phone in safe mode
In safe mode Applications which you have downloaded from PLAY STORE, Google or Installed from any where else won't work.
Such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Clean Master, AVG antivirus, Hike, etc.
So always keep in mind if you are in safe mode there application won't be working but these are not deleted from your phone it will be there.
Safe Mode is simply like mode when you reset your phone and there are no apps installed.

So how to go into Safe mode.
So press power button - > restart phone - > as soon as your phone turns off press volume down button
& keep it pressed unless your phone starts

Here we go you are in SAFE MODE. So how do we know we are in safe mode.
At bottom of your screen it is written safe mode.

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