has stopped working

This error generally occurs when you turn on your phone and due to this your mobile starts hanging or it freezes completely. After that you have to remove battery and reinsert it. So for this we have solution for you.

  • Go to settings - > application manager -> All -> then look for keyboard.
  • Open it and clear cache and then clear data.
  • Open the options in app manager and reset app preferences.
  • Restart phone.
  • Also can try phone in SAFE MODE
  • If same issue persists then resetting is the only option which is going to help you.
  • After trying above steps your problem should be resolved but if this problem still persists then you can visit service center they will reflash your phone's software.
There is nothing to worry this problem is completely related to your Phone's Operating System i.e. Android.

If you have any queries do comment below we will try to help you.

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