Hard Reset PIPO Work W7
First method:
- Start by holding down the Power key to turn the device back on.
- Swipe in from the right edge of the screen in order to select Settings.
- Then tap Change PC settings and choose Update and recovery.
- In this step select Recovery.
- Afterwards search and choose option Remove everything and reinstall Windows.
- When the appropiate information pop-up comes up tap Next to begin the process.
- Success! After about 30 minuts your tablet is ready to use.
Second method:
- At the very beginning hold down the Power key in order to switch on the device.
- Afterwards hold down Shift key. If you're using the on-screen keyboard, tap or click the Shift key.
- While the Shift key is still pressed, tap or click Restart option and confirm the operation.
- In the next step choose Troubleshoot.
- Then tap Reset your PC and cofirm operation by pressing Next.
- Choose either Just remove my files or Fully clean the drive.
- Begin the whole operation by clicking Reset.
- Good job! You have just performed the hard reset operation.