Unforutanely, Process.com.google.gapps has stopped working

We get this error in our Android phones and our phone starts hanging. And this error is displayed on screen every now and then. If you are facing this error no worries we got a solution for you.
How did this error occur?
Answer to question is that you might have disabled few apps related to google such as google services or framework etc. But sometimes this error occurs automatically there is no such answer for this question.but there is always solution.


  • Go to Settings -> Application Manager -> All - > Google Play Store -> Uninstall , Clear cache & data.
  • Go to Settings -> Application Manager -> All - > Google Play Services -> Clear cache & data.
  • Go to Settings -> Application Manager -> All - > Google Service Framework -> Clear cache & data.
  • Go to Settings -> Application Manager -> All - > Google Play Music -> Clear cache & data.
  • Open the options here and tap on reset app preferences.
  • Now restart Phone.
  • Your problem is solved.
This helps you solve this problem without resetting phone. If this problem still persists then you always got a Reset Phone option.

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