Flash SuperSU using TWRP recovery and Root Redmi Note 2/Prime

TWRP and CWM are non-stock custom recovery, which can be install over the stock recovery. With the custom recovery you get extra functionality which allows you to do various things that the manufacturer may not want you to do with it. Some of the common features, ability to install third-party ROMs, perform NanDroid backups, ADB functionality and friendly UI with touch capabilities.


SuperSU is a Superuser access management tool which allows for advanced management of Superuser access rights for all the apps on your device that need root.
Let's get started.

  • DOWNLOAD MiPhone Flashing Tool

  • DOWNLOAD TWRP Recovery Image

  • DOWNLOAD BETA-SuperSU-v2.67.zip AND MOVE it to the memory of your phone.

Go to About phone > tap MIUI version at least 7 times to activate the Developer options.

Go to Additional settings > Developer options > USBdebugging > Enable it.

After you downloaded the files, Install MiPhone Flashing Tool, and it will installed the required drivers (ADB & Fastboot) that you need. As shown below:-

Browse to C:\Program Files(x86)\Xiaomi\MiPhone\Google\Android as shown below:-

Press the SHIFT key and Right Click your mouse and Open command window here, as shown below:-

To check whether that the Adb driver is installed properly, just TYPE �ADB version, it should return the version of the ADB, as shown below:-

Turn off your device. Then press the Volume (�) DOWN key and the Power button simultaneously to enter Fastboot mode. Connect your device to the PC/Laptop via a micro USB cable, and the Fastboot MIUI mascot will appear, as shown below:-

Move the �twrp287.img� into the Android window/folder and rename it "recovery.img", as shown below:-

Enter the commands on ADB prompt, to install TWRP, in the following sequence, one after another as follows:-

TYPE fastboot devices PRESS ENTER

TYPE fastboot flash recovery recovery.img PRESS ENTER

TYPE fastboot reboot PRESS ENTER

Your Redmi Note 2/Prime will reboot accordingly, once the screen turned off, QUICKLY HOLD THE VOLUME UP BUTTON to enter TWRP recovery.

Sequences of the commands being entered, as shown below:-

NEXT, install the UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip accordingly in the TWRP UI to start the rooting process on your phone.

Now you done rooting the phone.

Note: For those who still getting into Mi Recovery mode. After your phone rebooted into android, after flashing, use any file explorer eg. ASTRO File Manager to delete �recovery-from-boot.p� from the system folder at the root of your phone. As shown below:-

Download Root Checker from Google Play Root Checker and run the Root Checker to verify Root access. You should get a picture as shown below:-

For some reason should you decided, you want to reverse the situation and Unroot your device, you need to do the following:-

Run SuperSu app on your device.

Go to settings > Full Unroot > Continue, as shown below:-

Now you back to your old phone.

Apps source:- twrp.me & chainfire.eu

Disclaimer: Flashing can potentially boot loop or softbrick your device. DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK.

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