Flash SuperSU using TWRP recovery and Root Redmi Note 2/Prime
SuperSU is a Superuser access management tool which allows for advanced management of Superuser access rights for all the apps on your device that need root.
Let's get started.
- DOWNLOAD MiPhone Flashing Tool
- DOWNLOAD TWRP Recovery Image
- DOWNLOAD BETA-SuperSU-v2.67.zip AND MOVE it to the memory of your phone.
Go to About phone > tap MIUI version at least 7 times to activate the Developer options.
Go to Additional settings > Developer options > USBdebugging > Enable it.
After you downloaded the files, Install MiPhone Flashing Tool, and it will installed the required drivers (ADB & Fastboot) that you need. As shown below:-
Browse to C:\Program Files(x86)\Xiaomi\MiPhone\Google\Android as shown below:-
Press the SHIFT key and Right Click your mouse and Open command window here, as shown below:-
To check whether that the Adb driver is installed properly, just TYPE �ADB version, it should return the version of the ADB, as shown below:-
Turn off your device. Then press the Volume (�) DOWN key and the Power button simultaneously to enter Fastboot mode. Connect your device to the PC/Laptop via a micro USB cable, and the Fastboot MIUI mascot will appear, as shown below:-
Move the �twrp287.img� into the Android window/folder and rename it "recovery.img", as shown below:-
Enter the commands on ADB prompt, to install TWRP, in the following sequence, one after another as follows:-
TYPE fastboot devices PRESS ENTER
TYPE fastboot flash recovery recovery.img PRESS ENTER
TYPE fastboot reboot PRESS ENTER
Your Redmi Note 2/Prime will reboot accordingly, once the screen turned off, QUICKLY HOLD THE VOLUME UP BUTTON to enter TWRP recovery.
Sequences of the commands being entered, as shown below:-
NEXT, install the UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip accordingly in the TWRP UI to start the rooting process on your phone.
Now you done rooting the phone.
Note: For those who still getting into Mi Recovery mode. After your phone rebooted into android, after flashing, use any file explorer eg. ASTRO File Manager to delete �recovery-from-boot.p� from the system folder at the root of your phone. As shown below:-
Download Root Checker from Google Play Root Checker and run the Root Checker to verify Root access. You should get a picture as shown below:-
For some reason should you decided, you want to reverse the situation and Unroot your device, you need to do the following:-
Run SuperSu app on your device.
Go to settings > Full Unroot > Continue, as shown below:-
Now you back to your old phone.
Apps source:- twrp.me & chainfire.eu
Disclaimer: Flashing can potentially boot loop or softbrick your device. DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK.