Get ready for Javascript �Promises� with Google and Udacity
Sarah Clark, Program Manager, Google Developer Training
Front-end web developers face challenges when using common �asynchronous� requests. These requests, such as fetching a URL or reading a file, often lead to complicated code, especially when performing multiple actions in a row. How can we make this easier for developers?
Javascript Promises are a new tool that simplifies asynchronous code, converting a tangle of callbacks and event handlers into simple, straightforward code such as: fetch(url).then(decodeJSON).then(addToPage)...
Promises are used by many new web standards, including Service Worker, the Fetch API, Quota Management, Font Load Events,Web MIDI, and Streams.
We�ve just opened up a online course on Promises, built in collaboration with Udacity. This brief course, which you can finish in about a day, walks you through building an �Exoplanet Explorer� app that reads and displays live data using Promises. You�ll also learn to use the Fetch API and finally kiss XMLHttpRequest goodbye!
This short course is a prerequisite for most of the Senior Web Developer Nanodegree. Whether you are in the paid Nanodegree program or taking the course for free, won�t you come learn to make your code simpler and more reliable today?