Remove annoying, intrusive ads, ads banner in your apps for Android devices

Being a hard-core iPhone user, using Android based phone definitely has a different user experience. When it comes to ads, I kind of feel the drastic changes between these two platforms in term of intrusive ads rather a permissible one. Apple has actually encourage Ad blocker apps as opposed to Google. Anyway, without further dues, here the Ad blocker which most user will want.


AdAway is not available on Google Play! It was removed by Google due to Violation of section 4.4 of the Developer Distribution Agreement. Please install it from F-Droid.
Note: Works on ROOTED devices.

Download the Adaway app on your device:-

To life easier, just see your notification screen and click on it, or browse it in the file explorer under apk, and install it accordingly.

Allow access on SuperSu when it pops up.

Next, open the ADaway app, click on Download Files And Apply AD Blocking. It will takes some time to the download the host file.
Ads is gone, as shown below:-

Should you feel so much for the lost of Publisher income, then Disable AD Blocking, as shown below:-

App source:

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