Flash GOOGLE APPs on ROOTED Redmi Note 3 via Flashify on Mobile

New Year 2016 Featured Tutorial 

This a final part of my New Year Featured Tutorial 2/2, the first 1/2, was on ROOTing and  installation of TWRP custom recovery via FLASHIFY app.

SCENARIO: I am ROOTED with SuperSU and TWRP recovery installed and flashed respectively. But WITHOUT a GOOGLE PLAY STORE. What I had to do is run to my rescue with my own blog myandroidous.blogspot.com which is like a treasure chest with all the know-hows and APP APKs at my expense, as shown below:-

This is what I had, to work with, as shown below:-


Flashify 1.9.2.apk

Locate and install Flashify app, as shown below:-

Next launch:-

Choose ARM64/Android 5.0/and choose which you prefer (I picked "Micro") and download.

After the download is done, launch Flashify and flashed the zip file, as shown below:-

Sign-in to your Google Account accordingly and check the version installed, as shown below:-

Next, launch Mi Store app and disable, as shown below:-

After installation, I personally thought my Google Play Store is flawless without compatibility issues, errors, and it got integrated well with the system. Furthermore, when you a search for any apps on Google Chrome you will be directed right to Google Play Store rather than to Mi Store, as shown below:-

Alright, I done with installing all the Google Apps that I needed, as shown below:-

DISCLAIMER: DO ON YOUR OWN RISK. Flashing can potentially bricked or bootloop your device.

Source: Flashify 1.9.2.apk & Open GApps package

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