Restore & Change WLAN MAC address for Redmi Note 3

DISCLAIMER: This is solely for those who have lost and intend to restore their WLAN MAC address after a bad flashing of their ROM, otherwise it will be deemed illegal.

It is recommended you make a NVRAM backup..


1. Switch off your WLAN connection.

2. Launch the Dialer and key-in *#*#3646633#*#* and you will enter the Engineering Mode, as shown below:-

3. Swipe to Connectivity Tab from the image below:-

4. Click WLAN > NVRAM;

5. Enter the �Byte String Access:� values, as shown below:-

6. Click Read, a 12 digits value will appear in �value(h):� field which is your current WLAN mac address. Please jot it down for future reference. As shown below:-

7. Delete the value(h) field and now enter a new 12 digit mac address, and click Write.

8. Press your home button and switch On your WLAN connection.

9. Goto About phone > Status > WLAN MAC address, check accordingly.

"Solving with simplicity"

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