[5.1.1][FINAL] Resurrection Remix v5.5.9 For A7000 � No Bugs


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Resurrection Remix 5.5.9 v2
Opened all system apps, FB, messenger, NFS No limits, Dead Trigger 2, opened each app for 30 seconds and played both games for 3-5 minutes and no lags and 300MB+ free RAM. 15 minutes of CPU stress test and on crashes (Still, all apps + games opened, not cleared from recents)
CPU and GPU stress test, average FPS : 40-60 FPS
- All Resurrection Remix Features
Visit http://www.resurrectionremix.com/ for full feature list
- Based on latest Sources
- Super smooth
- More stable and smoother than CM 12.1 Bugless V3
- App2SD is working perfectly
- Run HD games without crashes
- Video Recording working in stock camera (Default CM camera)
- USSD working
- GPS working
- 1080P playback fixed
- 1080P recording
- Stability improvements
- Super fast boot up
- Super fast App optimization
- Themes working
- SMS working
- No longer need to reboot for apps to appear in App Drawer
- No network drops
- And so much more, everything which you expect to get working in your stock ROM is working in this ROM
RR Remix 5.5.9 v2
Complete rebuild, compiled ROM from source from the beginning by me (Ajit Guraya)
1. 1080P recording 100% fixed
2. Selinux will never change to enforcing
3. Compiled with custom toolchain
4. Many new performance improvements x10 times more optimized than previous RR Remix 
5. Tweaked many of the system values for more optimization
6. Nothing extra like external tweaks or stuff is added
7. Increased touch sensitivity
8. GPS locks much faster
9. Deodexed
10. More stable than previous build
11. The default Pitch Black theme (in settings) is now working + 3rd party themes can also be downloaded/installed and applied :D
12. Many more major and minor fixes
13. Fixed 5 second youtube and Netflix reload � Thanks Ordenkrieger
14. Much more�.

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