Download Here : Lenovo K3 Note miui7 OTA FullRom
Download Here : Lenovo K3 Note miui7 OTA FullRom
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Hello Friends,
Here i present you my miui7 v6.4.21 Full ROM + OTA patch (Multilanguage)
for Lenovo K3 Note (MT6752):
There are 02 methods to install this new ROM. Kindly follow any ONE Method completely and read it completely before proceeding. Do not mix both Methods.
As the ROM has changed a lot so, METHOD B is recommended for this week's ROM installation
Method A: For the one�s who are already using my ROM/OTAs (Strictly Follow):
- Disable "Nu Player" from developer options!
- Backup already installed miui7 ROM.
- Reboot phone into custom recovery and wipe cache, wipe System and wipe Dalvik cache only.
- Download and flash ROM/OTA via custom recovery from link given above.
- Again wipe cache and wipe Dalvik cache only.
- Reboot phone and Enjoy!
Method B: Fresh Installation. The one�s who are using my ROM first time (Strictly Follow):
- Backup your phone, data, everything before flashing this ROM as i will not be responsible for any bricked phones, lost IMEI Numbers or any harm made to your device during this process, though I did not faced any such problem while I followed the following process.
- In order to flash this ROM, one has to be on Custom recovery (TWRP Recommended),
Download from link given in my other ROM post and Flash it on your K3 Note.
- Reboot to custom recovery and go to Wipe-> Advance Wipe-> and wipe Dalvik Cache,
System, Cache, Data, Internal Storage (all data, apps etc. will be deleted).
- Flash the ROM downloaded from above link.
- After first boot Disable "Nu Player" from settings/additional settings/developer options/here�.
- ENJOY miui7 on Lenovo K3 Note!
- Just Flash WITHOUT wipes and enjoy Xposed on My Developer ROM!
- Don't forget to install xposed installer from my other ROM link to get xposed modules working.
Fixes/Changes till v6.4.21 by me:
- Fixed NV Ram error in Wi-Fi.
- Dolby + Dirac.
- Battery: Charging and Backup Improved.
- Drop down menu lag fixed.
- Gallery lag fixed.
- Xposed Support added.
- SD Card Default storage patch (On Demand).
- Homescreen Menu 4*6 Patch. If you want to remove it, delete- com.miui.home from:
- Camera Shutter sound fixed, Camera image quality tweaks.
- Offline Battery charging logo fixed.
- LED Notification fixed- now working (only green LED notification working. For whatsapp and
other apps, select green color LED from whatsapp settings to make it work).
- Full HD video recording fixed. No green lines in Full HD video recording.
- Fixed proximity sensor, sometimes misbehaving while calls, now OK.
- Camera fixed- images no more hang in HDR mode, normal mode.
- Heating issue resolved (not tested for gaming).
- Super User updated to v2.52. SU binary updated.
- Build.Prop tweaks (as asked by some users).
- Multilanguage (check Screen Shots).
- Antutu after first boot- 47000+.
- Pre-rooted.
- Minimal Gapps.
- Themes & Fonts working.
- OTG Working.
- Fast and Buttery Smooth UI.
BUGS: Double Tap To Wake not working.
Don�t forget to Donate, Like, Star Rate, Subscribe, share your reviews and report bugs so that i can continue my work�.