ZTE Nubia z7 max MOKEE firmware


Download Link : ZTE Nubia z7 max MOKEE firmware

Custom ROM "MOKEE OpenSource"Android Marshmallow v6.0.1
(Update 25-04-2016)
                             ONLY FOR MERGED PARTITION.                      
                                      Marshmallow v6.0.1
1)Enter to TWRP Recovery v3.0.0.0.
2)Make full wipes. Wipe�> Advanced Wipe�> (Dalvik Cache � System � Data � Cache)
3)Install Mokee Rom.
*Before installing this rom you should have preinstalled stock rom v3.22 with nubia tool.
*If have preinstalled CM12.1 or CM13 need to make full wipes and after install this rom LightX v3.70.
*Stock v3.22 here: http://www.needrom.com/download/nubia-z7-max-v3-22/
Install USB Drivers & Recovery:
1)Download (My Tool http://www.needrom.com/download/z7-max-all-in-one-tool-v1-1-0/ ) UnRAR and run it on your PC.
2)Press 1 to Install The USB Drivers
3)Turn On USB Debugging Mode To Your Phone.(How to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze7y8rPzH9w )
4)Connect your mobile (mobile to be active) to the computer and select number.
�-WARNING:This Tool Works Only For Android v5 and v5.1.1 Lollipop
Install Google Apps:
1)Download Gapps For Android v6 Nano 20151208.zip and put it to your internal storage.
2)Enter to TWRP recovery and install Gapps For Android v6 Nano 20160123.

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