Best Hidden WhatsApp Tips and Tricks for PC and Android WhatsApp Users

There's always a bit of a learning curve when it comes to mastering new apps and WhatsApp is no different. It's wickedly popular (it recently hit a billion users) and extremely easy to get started using right away, but the messenger does have a few quirks that aren't immediately obvious at first. There are also a few hidden features that aren't the simplest to enable.

If you have some patience and the willingness to tinker however, we're sure that anybody can figure out WhatsApp in no time but we thought we'd make it a little easier.

We've gone over everything you could possibly want to know about WhatsApp, from how exactly the app works to tips and tricks every user should keep at their disposal.


WhatsApp Tips and Tricks

Read : Best Funny WhatsApp Videos to Send Friends

Stop WhatsApp images appearing in Gallery

If your friends send you loads of stupid pictures on WhatsApp, and you don't want them mixed in with all your amazing photos, it is possible to keep WhatsApp images separate so they don't appear in your camera roll.
  • Download a file explorer, such as ES File Explorer
  • Navigate to sdcard/WhatsApp/Media
  • Enter the folder you don't want shared (in this case, WhatsApp Images)
  • Tap the plus button at the bottom of the screen
  • Name the new folder .nomedia

That should stop any media in that folder from showing up in your camera roll.

Spy and Investigate Conversation of Ones Friend

Is it feasible to Spy straight into Whatsapp conversation in the your close close friends and read their conversation? Yes, it will be possible and i'll explain you relating to this awesome trick through which you'll spy your close friends conversation. Just comply with the below stated steps.

  • Firstly, you want to do is, go to the MicroSD card and then go through the Whatsapp and down the road on the Repository option.
  • Immediately after that you are done with step one you'll get two files including, msgstore-yyyy.. dd.. db. crypt
  • msgstore. db. crypt
  • After finding these files, you must do is take these files from the friends mobile and then you can be easily able you just read their conversations they have done with their friends. You can open them employing a simple text publisher.

Backup And Restore WhatsApp Chats

WhatsApp makes automatic backups of your chats, but you can also make a manual backup.

On Android, just go into Settings > Chat settings and tap Backup conversations to create a backup. This won't backup your media, so you'll need to use a file manager to copy the media folders in /sdcard/WhatsApp/Media.

There's no way to restore chats directly from WhatsApp, so if you want to restore a backup you're going to have to uninstall and reinstall WhatsApp. When you start WhatsApp after the reinstall, you should be prompted to restore your most recent backup. Just follow the procedure and your chats should all be back.

WhatsApp trick to hide your Profile Picture

If you don't want to share your Profile picture with your friends then you can hide it, this feature is available with the latest version of WhatsApp now. If you want to hide your Profile Picture then go to Settings and click Account Privacy option and select Profile Photo and choose Nobody option if you really want to hide your profile picture from other Whatsapp users and also from hackers. Follow this this simple tip to hide your profile picture.

Secure /Lock Your WhatsApp

Everybody, at some position or another, has probably had to manage friends or family going for a sneak peek with their WhatsApp announcements. Thankfully, if you're employing WhatsApp on Android os or BlackBerry, there are apps that will help secure your WhatsApp coming from prying eyes.

In the event you're using Android os, there's WhatsApp Secure, while BlackBerry users may wish to check out Secure for WhatsApp.
Basically, both of these types of apps work in the same way: when you have tried them, WhatsApp will be protected by way of PIN (in the truth of WhatsLock) or a password (in the truth of Lock pertaining to WhatsApp). Either technique, once you have things build, the people about you shouldn't be capable of take a sneak peek for your WhatsApp any extended.

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