Top 5 Best Tips and Tricks for Prisma App
Prisma is a photo editing app and Prisma app achieved so much popularity in short time. Prisma app is very popular nowadays because of its unique filters. It converts the photo into artwork using Artificial Intelligence. This app is available on IOS and Android OS. The popularity of this app is increased when it�s available for Android OS. Earlier, this app was only available for IOS users. But now the android version of this app is available in Google Play Store.
You can also use third party apps like Camera360 to apply filters to photos. If your camera has the option to take square photos, don�t forget to enable that. As Prisma only accepts square photos, you will get an idea of the frame you�ll get after processing.
Use WiFi or Fast Data Connection: If your data connection is slow then it takes too long time to process the images and it may show error after some time. So, you need a reliable data connection to use this app.
Do not Minimize the App: When you apply filters or creating artwork, then do not minimize the Prisma app until it completes the process. Because Prisma canceled your process when you minimize the app while creating artwork.
It doesn�t support multi-window: Some android phones have multi windows feature, but Prisma app doesn�t support multi window. So, you need to wait until it finished the process.
Remove the Prisma watermark
By default, your images display a small logo at the bottom right. Rest assured, it is easy to disable it. Simply open the Settings menu by pressing the gear icon on the right side of the screen, then disable Add watermark. And it�s gone.Don�t Use Prisma�s Built-in Camera
Prisma�s built-in camera lacks HDR, night mode, white balance correction and manual mode. All you can do with the Prisma�s camera is turning the flash on or off. So if you really want to create a work of art, you need solid base photos to start with and the only way you can do it is by taking photos through the default camera app which has plenty of features to use. So use the HDR mode, apply some filters and take a good photo to start with.You can also use third party apps like Camera360 to apply filters to photos. If your camera has the option to take square photos, don�t forget to enable that. As Prisma only accepts square photos, you will get an idea of the frame you�ll get after processing.
Tips to make Prisma Faster
Sometimes Prisma app takes a lot of time to applying filters on an image and this is a major drawback of this app. Your internet connection is also effected on the loading time because images will be uploaded to the server for processing. Here are the tips to make Prisma app faster:Do not Minimize the App: When you apply filters or creating artwork, then do not minimize the Prisma app until it completes the process. Because Prisma canceled your process when you minimize the app while creating artwork.
It doesn�t support multi-window: Some android phones have multi windows feature, but Prisma app doesn�t support multi window. So, you need to wait until it finished the process.