Gallery Pictures are hidden

Gallery Pictures Are Hidden / No music files in music player

If you are not able to view files in Gallery but are able to view same files in My files or File explorer so it means obviously there is something wrong. 
What is the problem?
->  Your files are hidden that's it it's not a big issue it can be resolved very easily but it could be time consuming that's it.
Why this problem occurred ? 
- > There could be a reason for this kind of problem like you might be using some kind of app to hide/ lock apps or files such as app lock, CM security etc. 

So how to solve this issue? 
There are two method to follow same procedure :

1st Method
  • Go to My files / File explorer - device storage - Open settings - tick on show hidden files.
  • Now search for " .NOMEDIA " file. You will be seeing so many white color file which will be displayed here so you have delete them one by one by holding .nomedia file and tap on delete.
  • And now you will be able to see all the files in gallery or music player.

    2nd method

    • Connect your phone with PC/ Laptop through USB Media Storage. 
    • Open Media Storage drive of your Mobile Phone. 
    • Search for .NOMEDIA file and delete all file at once.
    • Disconnect data cable of your phone and you will be able to see all your files in Mobile.
    3rd Method

    • Go to My Files / File Explorer - select the folder where you have your files/ Images and select them all.
    • Now tap on move and create new folder and paste there.
    • Now delete older folder now go back to gallery you will be able to see all your Images or music files.

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